Past Working Groups
History of the Mozambican Public with Mário M. da Fonseca
February 16, 2023 1:30-3:00pm EST
Practical Spectating with Dr. Elizabeth Swift
February 2nd, 2023 2-3:30pm EST
Working Group with Dr. Sarah Hoover
December 8th 2022, 2:30-3:30pm ET
Audience Research in Politically/Socially-Engaged Theatre in Kolkata with Munia Debleen Tripathi
November 24 2022, 2-3:30pm ET
Within this discussion, Munia Debleen Tripathi explored their research, specifically highlighting a pattern of anxiousness within spectators that they require "qualifications" to discuss and understand Kolkata theatre. Tripathi discussed the implications of these feelings in connection with the Kolkata theatre.
Nothing New Under the Sun with Dr. Cecilia Livingston
November 26th 2021, 1pm
Working Group with Dr. Signy Lynch
November 26th 2021, 2:30-4pm EST
Working Group with Dr. Nina Penner
October 22nd 2021, 12-2pm EST
Dr. Penner discussed her new project “Exploring IBPOC Experiences in Opera in Canada,” a mixed methods project conceived in partnership with Amplified Opera in Toronto that seeks to improve equity, diversity, and inclusion in the opera industry. As this was her first foray into empirical methods, she discussed the motivations, challenges, and things she learned along the way.
Tandem Dances with Julia M. Ritter
November 16th 2020, 12:30-2:30 EST
In this working group, we celebrated the publication of Julia Ritter's new book Tandem Dances: Choreographing Immersive Performance. The book proposes that choreography is critical to immersive productions in that it serves as a crucial mechanism by which the spectator's role is transformed into that of an active participant within the production, namely, a subject of choreography enacting an improvisational score.
The Critic as Audience Member with Signy Lynch and Michelle MacArthur
October 26th 2020, 12:30-2:30pm EST
This working group focused on "bug" by Yolanda Bonnell’s controversial request that reviews for the Toronto production of her show bug be written only by Indigenous, Black, or critics of Colour (IBPOC). This articulated a shared feeling among many IBPOC artists in Canada and abroad that members of the largely white mainstream critical establishment are often ill-equipped to write about their work.
Working Group with Melanie Wilmink
January 24 2020, 2-4pm
Performance Audiences and Publics with Dr. Kelsey Blair
September 23 2019, 5-7pm
The Dynamic Spectator with Scott Mealey
March 28th 2019, 5:30-7:30pm
This working group was an exploration of the possible applications of DST/DSP to spectatorship, including the possible nature of our receptive wells, noise, and disruptions, and its important implications on our understanding of any transformative processes that may take place within a performance setting.
Invisibility in Research and Performance with Jessica Watkin
February 28th 2019, 5:30-7:30pm
In her chapter “The Ontology of Performance,” Peggy Phelan suggests that a feeling of mastery over a visual sits within the gaze of the spectator. Something happens in the transaction of seeing and being seen on stage, and that provides a language of invisibility when that transaction is broken. Jessica Watkins explored the possibilities for performance and research in that invisibility.
Testing Cognitive Empathy as it Extends into Action with Jenny Salisbury
January 24th 2019, 5:30-7:30pm
Empathy Working Group with Jenny Salisbury
April 20th 2018, 2-4pm
This working group on Empathy explored L.B. Cummings' thorough Introduction in Empathy as Dialogue in Theatre and Performance. Palgrave Macmillan, London 2016. It also included a presentation and exploration of the problem of empathy in Canadian collective creation, supported by case studies "The Public Servant" by Common Boots Theatre and "Out at School", a research-informed theatre piece in development at OISE, through Prof. Tara Goldstein's research team.
Working Group with Richard Windeyer
January 26th 2018, 2-4pm
This working group was an in-depth discussion of intermedial performance as an instrument of public engagement. With lived experience on the one hand and the accumulating ‘bodies’ of archived data on the other, we examined how statistics and informatics are increasingly used to represent and present lives.
An Aesthetic of Relationality with Julia Gray
November 24th 2017, 2-4pm
The working group meeting explored Gray, J. & Kontos, P. (In Press) "An aesthetic of relationality: embodiment, imagination and playing The Fool in research-informed theatre." Qualitative Inquiry. Gray also explored the aesthetic of relationality through a presentation focusing on the case-study Cracked: new light on dementia, co-created with Partnerships in Dementia Care Alliance, at the University of Waterloo.
Real/Not Real with Jenny Salisbury
October 20th 2017, 2-4pm
This working group included a debate on "The Promise and Pitfalls of the Real" by Dani Snyder-Young. Published in Theatre Survey 57(3). September 2016. Jenny Salisbury, CSAR Associate Director, also presented and explored audiences for non-Realism, focusing on the case-study The Public Servant by Common Boots Theatre.
"In Sundry Languages" with Art Babayants
March 31st 2017, 3:30-5:30pm
This working group explored both "In Saundry Languages", a devised piece of theatre in multiple languages, and the article "Acts of Spectating: The Dramaturgy of the Audience’s Experience in Contemporary Theatre" by Peter M. Boenisch
Working Group with Kelsey Jacobson
January 20th 2017, 2-4pm
Working Group with Scott Mealey
November 25th 2016, 2-4pm
This work group continued on from the conversation last month about efficacy and persuasion by discussing "Enhancing the persuasive influence of entertainment-education events". Anat Gesser-Edelsburg and Arvind Singhal Critical Arts 27 (1) 2013. This was followed by a discussion led by CSAR associate director, Scott Mealey, engaging a debate around persuasive theory and audience conditions
Working Group with Scott Mealey
October 21st 2016, 2-4pm
Our discussion focused on pages 38 - 61, "Suspicion, frustration and contempt" and "Potent orthodoxies" from Helen Freshwater's 2009 "Theatre and Audience". A presentation and discussion by CSAR associate director Scott Mealey followed the book discussion. He engaged a debate around persuasive theory and artistic styles.
First Working Group with Cassandra Silver
September 16th 2016, 2-4pm
CSAR director, Cassandra Silver led a presentation and discussion, inviting responses to her work on spectatorship and action, looking at the conceptual differences of watching and doing and we explored Janelle Reinelt’s 2014 article, “What UK spectators know: Understanding how we come to value theatre.”