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An Aesthetic of Relationality with Julia Gray

November 24th 2017, 2-4pm

Julia's dissertation introduced a conceptual framework for research-informed theatre called ‘an aesthetic of relationality’ which responds to calls for further critical theorizing about arts practices as forms of inquiry.  An aesthetic of relationality articulates an aesthetic space where the exploratory and creative work of artist-researchers takes place in relation to multiple people.

The working group meeting explored Gray, J. & Kontos, P. (In Press) "An aesthetic of relationality: embodiment, imagination and playing The Fool in research-informed theatre." Qualitative Inquiry. Gray also explored the aesthetic of relationality through a presentation focusing on the case-study Cracked: new light on dementia, co-created with Partnerships in Dementia Care Alliance, at the University of Waterloo.

Julia Gray is a playwright, theatre director, physical theatre creator and currently a postdoctoral fellow at Bloorview Research Institute, at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab Hospital.  She holds a BFA and MA from York’s Department of Theatre and a PhD from OISE/UT.

Presented at the Jackman Humanities Institute.

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