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Let's Talk Ethics

October 20th 2022, 2-3:30pm ET

This working group discussed all things ethics, including institutional research ethics boards, policy statements, processes, challenges and opportunities. They also discussed and shared examples from "Ethics and Audience Research: By the book or on the hop?" by Katya Johanson and Hilary Glow from the Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts.

Material Citation

Johanson, Katya and Hilary Glow. "Ethics and Audience Research: By the book or on the hop?" Matthew Reason., Lynne Conner, Katya Johanson, and Ben Walmsley. Routledge Companion to Audiences and the Performing Arts. Milton: Taylor & Francis Group, 2022, pp. 374-390.

Presented over Zoom.

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